Friday, August 14, 2020

US Stuck With Soros?

Americans are free to vote Trump out of office, but they may be stuck with Soros forever – whether or not they like him

Robert Bridge
Robert Bridge
Robert Bridge is an American writer and journalist. He is the author of the book, 'Midnight in the American Empire,' How Corporations and Their Political Servants are Destroying the American Dream. @Robert_Bridge
13 Aug, 2020 18:02

George Soros had some tough words for Donald Trump, calling him “dangerous” and willing to do “anything to stay in power.” But what about the financier himself, who operates across the globe outside of democratic due process?
The life of the billionaire financier seems to be one long battle against the purported enemies of the ‘open society’ – a controversial concept popularized by Karl Popper, a Vienna-born philosopher who wrote ‘The Open Society and Its Enemies’. Chief among his sworn adversaries is Trump, whose ‘Make America Great Again’ campaign calls for, among other things, a wall constructed on the US-Mexico border and less reliance on foreign factory workers.  
On the occasion of his 90th birthday this week, Soros sat down for an interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, in which he expressed some strident views about the US president.
I’m confident that Trump will turn out to be a transitory phenomenon, hopefully ending in November,” Soros remarked. “But he remains very dangerous. He’s fighting for his life and he’ll do anything to stay in power, because he’s violated the Constitution in many different ways and if he 
loses the presidency, he will be held accountable.
For anyone who has followed the trajectory of Soros’s lengthy career, those remarks will probably come across as self-serving and hypocritical. After all, the man who famously broke the Bank of England back in his relative youth does not feel constrained by any sort of democratic procedure, nor is he controlled by a system of checks and balances, as are elected officials. Instead, Soros, by virtue of his magnificent wealth alone, it seems, is able to create the world of his dreams – and not a single person has ever cast a vote on whether they support his grand plans or not.

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