Friday, August 7, 2020

Vaccine Side Effects Are Not a Problem For Big Pharma

Big Pharma Will Not Be Responsible For COVID-19 Side Effects Caused By Vaccines

Mac Slavo
August 5th, 2020
Comments (4)
This should come as no surprise, but big pharmaceutical companies will not be held responsible for any damages and side effects to people who get a coronavirus vaccine. A senior executive for pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has confirmed that his company cannot face legal action for any potential side effects caused by its COVID vaccine.
Those who will be affected adversely will have no legal recourse against the company creating the vaccines. They will not be made safe or effective, since they literally don’t have to be.
AstraZeneca is one of 25 pharmaceutical companies worldwide already testing their COVID vaccines on humans, in preparation for injecting hundreds of millions of people. These are flush times for Britain’s largest pharmaceutical company, worth something in the order of £70 million. They have just reported bumper profits of $12.6 billion in the last six months alone.
But despite its healthy balance sheet, AstraZeneca is unwilling to be held responsible for any potential side effects of its ‘hopeful’ vaccine candidate. In other words, the company is completely protected, or indemnified, against lawsuits from people who are injected with their vaccine and experience negative effects, regardless of how severe or long-lasting they are. –RT
While regular everyday people are being fined for not wearing masks, big pharma can literally permanently damage or kill as many people as they want in the name of “national interest” in order to vaccinate everyone. We live in a system that is truly upside down and backward.
Ruud Dobber, a senior AstraZeneca executive, told ReutersIn the contracts we have in place, we are asking for indemnification. For most countries, it is acceptable to take that risk on their shoulders because it is in their national interest.’’ For “national interest,” read “government interest.” Whether what is happening is good for the actual people of vaccinated countries is, to put it very mildly, an open question. A forced global vaccine with unknown contents and side effects will benefit only a few.
The United States has already done their “job” as far as the New World Order cabal of central bankers are concerned.
[The U.S. has] a special legal framework in which no pharmaceutical companies face lawsuits for side effects of vaccines in case of ‘public health emergencies’. This legislation, known as the PREP Act, was the product of a massive lobbying effort from the US pharmaceutical industry, and was introduced despite vigorous opposition from consumer groups. Unless the vaccine maker intentionally murders or injures you – willful misconduct – you cannot sue them. -RT
This message should ring loud and clear to every single human on this planet: vaccine manufacturers want nothin to do with the consequences of their vaccines. But they do need you to line up to take it.

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