UK’s MSM has slavishly obeyed the govt over Covid like the docile arm of a despotic state. I know, because I was part of it
9 Sep, 2020 07:02
Protesters gather opposed to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, in Trafalgar Square, London, Saturday, Aug. 29, 2020. © PA via AP/Yui Mok
By Matt Drake,
a British journalist covering news and film. Bylines include Spiked,
The Spectator, The Telegraph, The Independent, Evening Standard, LBC,
The Sun, and the Daily Express.
The pro-lockdown cheerleaders in the mainstream media have been
following No.10’s orders and wrongly branding all lockdown sceptics as
nutty conspiracy theorists – but the tide is turning.
More and more people are
coming round to realise lockdown has been a major mistake. Yet
newspapers and TV, here in the UK at least, are still loyally hounding
down dissenters and tarring each one as some sort of lunatic who needs,
well, locking up.Those sceptics who it was hard to place in a loony bin, such as Lord Sumption, one of the most brilliant minds in Britain, were simply ignored. When the former Supreme Court head wrote in The Times on March 31 that the UK was “sliding into a police state” after Parliament was granted unprecedented powers in the Coronavirus Bill (which was rubber-stamped with no debate in the Commons), did this liberal-minded intellect get heaps of press attention? No, of course not. It was palpably quiet. The mainstream media was simply not interested in any other narrative than the official, exaggerated danger of the virus.
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