Saturday, January 2, 2021

‘Tax issues, bribery issues, money laundering, conspiracy, extortion, you name it, Joe Biden is implicated in it’

‘Tax issues, bribery issues, money laundering, conspiracy, extortion, you name it, Joe Biden is implicated in it’

"I can’t think of a greater conflict of interest than the son of the president being investigated by dad’s justice department. Can you?”

n the wake of a federal investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of the media’s president-elect, the Justice Department has failed to appoint a special counsel despite the egregious conflict of interest. 

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, joined Gregg Jarrett on Lou Dobbs Tonight to discuss how, perhaps, the Justice Department is, too, engaged in the conglomerate effort to protect Joe Biden. 

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M.K. Styllinski said...

The Deep State has stole all the elections since JFK. They were complacent when they allowed Trump in and lost the chance for their latest psychopath Killary to leave the latest slime over the Oval Office. I think there is an air of desperation now with this brazen robbery of the election which Trump overwhelmingly won. They simply don't care to even offer the pretense of democracy. So, the pathocrats and their plans are out in the open now for anyone who can think critically, which admittedly, after decades of social engineering and media propaganda is perhaps too few. Nonetheless, it's time for the people of the USA to believe lies or truth and make their choices if only to give their voice to truth. Trump is damned if he manages to turn it around, and damned if he doesn't. He's in an impossible position despite the majority of Americans supporting him - the pathocrats will never let him back and have targeted every judge and official in the land.

The second major coup of course, is Covid and "the Great Reset" which offers the exact same choice to follow truth or lies. The only way Americans will stop their country turning into an Eco-SMART totalitarian order will be to refuse all and every vaccine. No workable vaccines tied to a smart-surveillance infrastructure, no possibility of finalising social control and the dismantling of the Republic.

Equally sick and tired of the same lies and deceit from here in the UK...But hang in there American brothers and sisters ther's some heavy turmoil to come and the only thing that matters in the end is that you sttod for truth no matter what.

Subterranean Homesick News said...

You are so right about the Deep State stealing the elections as they are doing the will of the Shadow Government. A Shadow Government knows not allegiance any country, but only to itself, and to the neon god they made. To them, and to their henchmen the Deep State, we are disposable. Major corporations to have little or no allegiance to any nation state or ideals, but only to profit. Profit may come by plunder and pillage, exploitation, etc..

Here in the US both major parties are owned and operated from without. From the assassination of JFK they have removed any threats to their Presidential choice. Bobby Kennedy was removed for that reason as he would have beaten Richard Nixon. Donald Trump was the exception to their clandestine rule. Even before he was elected the Deep State was under orders to foil his bid for the Presidency, and when he won to destroy him. I continues with the theft of the 2020 election that was the most corrupt election in the history of the US.

COVID was a creation of the Deep State to do in the the middle class of the world, let alone the US. It is the largest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind. Fear of this invisible enemy brings many under the control Rights are surrendered, and tyranny accepted. People now demand the killer "vaccine" to save them.

The NWO could not exist with a strong US, and a nationalist President. Even Great Britain is in total lock down due to this myth while China gloats.

Many people who I know who have seldom taken any political or social action are going to the January 6th rally in Washington DC. They know that this is more than Trump Vs. Biden or Republican vs. Democrats. No it is a battle of good versus evil. My nation has in the past at the design of Shadow Government spread much evil around the world with all the death and destruction that we have waged.

Keep the faith.