Tuesday, December 27, 2022



December 26, 2022

Listen / watch the 30 min. video - and then read the large-letter easily comprehensible text following the video (3 minutes reading time) and you understand most everything of what has been planned and is going on - in terms of preparing World Humanity for World Tyranny by a One World Government (OWG).

Add to this, WHO is currently preparing a "Pandemic Treaty" - if passed by the World Health Assembly - they may vote any time and as many times as it takes - its totally non-transparent - then, WHO will dictate over all countries' governments what are health issues and how they have to be dealt with. Overruling individual nations' sovereignty. If the Pandemic Treaty passes, WHO can, for example, declare the common flu as a deadly pandemic (as they have already done with covid) and order everyone to be vaxxed by the respective governments.

In the meantime we know that the vaxxes are deadly mRNA-concoctions, which will be applied also to the new "common flu" vaxxes. Its more, they - the WO-allied pharma - have now "developed" a combined covid / flu vaccine - being rolled out in the Global North where the normal flu season is hitting - hitting even harder this year because of the extreme cold winter experienced, and likely "weaponized" by geoengineering, in many parts of the Global North; and because Europe is restricting and controlling home heating - in order to save energy because of the totally fake "energy crisis" Europe is experiencing. All, because of the bad-bad Russians, who have to be EU-sanctioned, by not buying their hydrocarbons anymore.

Yet, Europe, the EU countries, have all their gas storage tanks filled to the brim with - guess whose gas - with Russian gas, delivered semi-clandestinely until December 5, 2022, when the ban on Russian Gas entered into effect. So, there is no real shortage, despite the so-called "sanctions".

Our Governments are lying to us, day-in-day-out. You have no idea. And as long as we continue buying their lies, they will continue doing so, and getting every time bolder with their deceptions and lies.

Among the key objectives of this EU suicide act, is having people freeze to death, or having them dying from famine. Especially the poor ones who cannot afford heating and eating (given the two-digit artificially fabricated inflation) - and may perish either from cold induced diseases, or from famine - objective: massive population reduction continued.
The second objective is literally killing Europe's economy, or de-industrializing Europe - causing untold unemployment, more poverty - more diseases, more death - and at the same time allowing the dark Cabal sucking up assets of bankrupted corporations and service industries - making the rich richer - leading a severely weakened population to first tyranny then to willingly submit the butcher - who says "we will safe you - what's happening is all for your good". The typical "Stockholm Syndrome".

It has all happened before. Remember the covid slogans - accompanying never before experienced repression. And most people bought it.

Most people bought it. Will they buy it again?
Its time to wake up and stop this ongoing worse than genocide - literally slaughter, by a satanic White Collar Cult. 
The second attachment below, is a bombshell interview by international lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich, who is leading the International Crime Investigative Committee (ICIC) - with former UN Executive Director, Calin Georgescu. What the latter reveals is more than mind-boggling, shocking - how the OWO is planned to be led by the compromised and bought United Nations and its sub-agencies. 

And who and what is behind this plan - how the invisible corporate oligarchy and the slightly more visible private oligarchy - has taken over the world order - hence, calling it the International Rules-based Order, a slogan dating back to the so-called winners of WWII .... which has nowhere a legal standing, but is imposed by exactly the same ruthless gang, or rather Satanic CULT, that is hellbent to take control over every surviving individuum and all the assets - including natural resources of Mother Earth's.

We have to stop it. By first waking up, and then, by maybe nothing less than organizing a gigantic International Worldwide "Nuremberg 2.0" - bringing real justice back to Mother Earth and Humanity.

Read-on and listen...

The Plan. WHO’s Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030), Leading to World Tyranny (includes video 31 min --- 26 December 2022) 
-------Bombshell – Reiner Fuellmich Interviewing a former UN Executive Director, Calin Georgescu – Oligarch Own the UN (video 1 h 04 min – 25 December 2022) 
Peter Koenig