Friday, May 12, 2023

Ex-Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon: C%$*# V*&^$$% Push a ‘Supranational Operation’ Intended to ‘Maim and Kill Deliberately’

Ex-Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon: C%$*# V*&^$$% Push a ‘Supranational Operation’ Intended to ‘Maim and Kill Deliberately’

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‘Multiple obvious toxicities were deliberately built into [the alleged vaccines’] designs, with the result that there would be high expectations of blood clots, autoimmune attacks and cytokine storms all over the body, depending on where it went in a given individual,’ Dr. Michael Yeadon told LifeSiteNews.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, who formerly served as Pfizer’s vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory, explained how he knew the COVID virus, with its subsequent “vaccine” campaign, was a “supranational operation” designed “to injure people, to maim and kill deliberately.”

Yeadon, who spent 32 years working mostly for large pharmaceutical companies, spoke to a reporter from Children’s Health Defense in March while attending a Truth be Told Rally in London.

Reviewing how he came to understand the COVID “pandemic” was something other than what it appeared to be, the pharmacology expert recalled that “when I started noticing former colleagues of mine, including Patrick Vallance, saying things on the television I knew weren’t true — and I knew he knew weren’t true — that’s when the penny dropped for me, probably [in] February 2020.”


“I remember saying to my wife, ‘this is not what they’re saying it is. Something’s going on,’” Yeadon explained.

“And when I saw not only my country locking down, but dozens of countries locking down at the same time … that was proof, and is still proof, of a supranational operation,” he said.

“There’s no way that could have happened at the local level, at the country level. Therefore, it must have occurred at a level above. Whether it was the WHO or the World Economic Forum, or other, I don’t know,” but the orchestrated response demonstrates a planned event as opposed to one determined by the chance of the virus developing, Yeadon said.

These governments “all did the same stupid, ineffective, known-not-to-work things at the same time, none of which were in their countries’ pandemic preparedness plans, because I’ve read them all,” the toxicology expert assured.

Further, he said that he is perfectly confident he will not be sued by Vallance or others for publicly accusing them of lying, because they know they would lose in a court of law. “And so, they won’t sue me. What they do is smear me and censor me.”

Now, “the injuries to people from these so-called vaccines” is “something much worse than an alleged virus,” Yeadon affirmed. Furthermore, “I wish I could say that it was accidental, but it wasn’t accidental.”

On December 1, 2020, Yeadon with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg of Germany petitioned the European Medicines Agency for the immediate suspension of all COVID-19 vaccine studies in Europe due to significant safety concerns, including the foreseeable possibility that many people could “develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination.”

Yeadon’s warnings went unheeded. And though having been vilified, he has been, unfortunately for all, vindicated.

Continuing the interview, the British scientist reviewed, “I spent 32 years in rational drug design. I know, and I knew, and wrote it, before any of the [injections] had Emergency Use Authorization [EUA], that they were dangerous.”

“And I’m afraid I’m convinced, and would say, with my hand on the Bible in front of a court, a judge, that these injections have been made to injure people, to maim and kill deliberately.”

Later in the full interview, he explained why the mRNA biological injections cause an array of different adverse events in different people.

“When you inject this into a person and it spreads around their body and gets absorbed into a cell, that message gets converted into a protein,” he said. “And when your body makes a foreign protein — I am guaranteeing this as an immunologist — your body will say ‘that’s non-self’ and will attack whoever is producing it until the cell is dead. And I think that’s the cause of a lot — not all — of the adverse reactions to these so-called vaccines.”

Therefore, these substances “will cause autoimmune destruction of wherever that material goes. If it goes in your heart, myocarditis or heart attack. If it goes in your pregnant uterus, miscarriage, if it goes into your nervous system, a hell of a variety of neurological problems. That’s the common problem that underlies many of the vaccine injuries, some of which are so bad that people have died, as I thought they probably would,” said Yeadon, who has a degree in toxicology as well.

Furthermore, he recalled that when part of the heart muscle dies due to the trauma of a heart attack or myocarditis, “that piece of heart muscle dies and does not recover. So, you end up with a compromised heart. That’s why it’s so awful when we hear about myocarditis in young men. They are not going to regrow their heart. They will have a compromised heart for the rest of their lives.”

In a separate correspondence with LifeSiteNews, Yeadon summarized, “[t]he alleged vaccines were designed to injure, maim and kill. Multiple obvious toxicities were deliberately built into their designs, with the result that there would be high expectations of blood clots, autoimmune attacks and cytokine storms all over the body, depending on where it went in a given individual.”

“Finally, the mRNA agents were formulated in lipid nanoparticles, which was known from 2012 to cause accumulation in certain viscera, notably ovaries. Negative impacts on fertility were also virtually assured.”

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Featured image is from LSN

Blogger's note:  Do you believe your government has your best interests as its goal?  Well if you do you are a fool.  They want to maim or kill you.  The current US administration is illegitimate, and is working to destroy not only the Nation, and you too.  In the basement of the White House is Obama in his sweats pulling the fake presidents strings.  This administration is committing TREASON!