Sunday, May 7, 2023

Shock Video: Seven Dead in Vehicle Attack Outside Texas Migrant Center – Police

Shock Video: Seven Dead in Vehicle Attack Outside Texas Migrant Center – Police

by RTMay 7th 2023, 4:07 pm 

Seven people were killed and at least four more injured when a driver plowed his SUV into a group of pedestrians waiting for a bus outside a migrant and homeless center in Brownsville, Texas, police have confirmed. 

Alex Jones is breaking down this horrific attack and more LIVE right now!


The driver, who flipped his Range Rover after mowing down the victims on the sidewalk outside the Ozanam Center, has been arrested for reckless driving and more charges will likely be filed, according to Brownsville Police Lt. Martin Sandoval. The collision appears to have been intentional, Sandoval told local media.


Video of the crash posted to social media shows the vehicle speeding up as it veers onto the sidewalk, with most of the apparent victims unable to get out of the way. The vehicle then flips over as bodies fly in every direction. 

Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez released a statement indicating the dead were “migrants who sheltered overnight at the Ozonam center.” While many were quick to call the incident a “hate crime,” early reports indicate the driver was also Hispanic.

Brownsville is one of the southernmost cities in Texas and a well-traveled stop for migrants coming north from Mexico.

 Blogger's note:  Actor Biden said for the illegals to swarm to the border if he was "elected" President.  So they did, and the drug cartels made money.  How much did the big guy get?   Obama is now worth over $250,000,000, so where did it come from? OBiden will allow the situation to deterorate, and then  he will reintroduce a title 42, which is what the drug cartels want.  OBiden wants to take our guns too.   Do not worry the MSM and the democrats will blame Trump, and they will accept money from their backers even if they are drug cartels.