Thursday, May 18, 2023

Turkey – Emerging Election Fraud

Turkey – Emerging Election Fraud


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The pattern is the same throughout the world, at least the western world, where election rules require an absolute majority, more than 50%, in the first round. If not, they go into a second round or runoff election between the two leading candidates.

In Turkey, the early vote count om 14 May started with a considerable lead for the people’s favored candidate, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He had an initial advantage of more than 60% vs. about 34% over his chief adversary, Kemal Kilicdaroglu. As the vote tabulation progressed, the margin diminished gradually.

Incumbent Erdogan was first elected President in August 2014. In 2017 Turkish voters approved Constitutional Amendments, changing the election system from a Parliamentary election to an “Executive Presidency”, giving the President, i.e. Erdogan, leader of the AK Party (Justice and Development Party) more power.

Under the new system, Erdogan won elections in June 2018 for a 5-year term, renewable once.

In the 2023, the second election, for which Erdogan is an eligible candidate, more than 64 million Turks were qualified to vote, including about 3.4 million Turks living abroad, mostly in the European Union. Among the Turks abroad, a landslide majority in most European countries voted for Erdogan.

When all votes were supposedly counted, Erdogan lost the absolute majority by a minuscule margin. The final “count” was 49.5% against 44.9% for Kilicdaroglu, the darling of the west, particularly of the US and NATO.

Erdogan is pro-Russia, against Russian sanctions and against Sweden entering NATO. It was clear from the beginning, from the moment when the Turkish Supreme Election Council announced the election cycle on 18 March 2023, that the west would do whatever they could to get Erdogan out and his pro-western opponent, Kilicdaroglu, “elected” – no matter the manipulation it would take.

Mr. Kilicdaroglu is pro-west, anti-Russia, pro-Russian sanctions, and foremost, pro-NATO. The picture couldn’t be clearer.

In sophisticated voter fraud, well refined by the Tavistock Institute’s and DARPA’s mind manipulation methods, tiny margins are made more plausible to the public, than larger ones. DARPA is a semi-secretive Pentagon think-tank, and stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

It would be more questionable, when the people’s preferred candidate, who was leading in the polls by a sizable margin, would suddenly lose by a considerable difference.

This subtle fraud is easier accepted, especially in cases where run-off elections are necessary between the leading candidates. In this case incumbent President Erdogan and his challenger, Mr. Kilicdaroglu, will be cast against each other for the final round on 28 May 2023.

Once there is a runoff, the election engineers will find the most subtle ways to get their candidate in the front – even if he or she wins only with the narrowest or margins. There is no way back. No recounts permitted. It’s Democracy, stupid!

While in earlier times, such small margins would have justified a vote verification, nowadays such democratic details are blocked. The recent pattern is quite informative. In October 2022,

Brazil’s Lula won by 50.9% over 49.1% by Bolsonaro; in Peru, Pedro Castillo on 11 April 2021 won by 50.6% over Geico Fujimori’s 49.4%, and in Colombia, Gustavo Petro won on 19 June 2022 a run-off election with the narrowest of margins, 50.4%.

In the meantime, on 7 December 2022, President Castillo was “lifted” from the Presidency and put without a trial for at lest 18 months, they say, in “preventive prison care”, for allegedly intending a “parliamentary coup”. He must have done something wrong in the eyes of the world rulers.

They are supposedly all “leftist” candidates. It is he most brutal betrayal of the old-style socialists, who hoped for a left-leaning leader to improve their state of life. In fact, almost all, if not all, are scholars of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) academy for Young Global Leaders (YGL). As a reminder: Not long ago, Schwab said, paraphrased, “We are proud having been able to infiltrate our YGLs into governments all over the world.”

In the case of Peru’s Pedro Castillo, he was immediately replaced by Vice-President Dina Boluarte, another scholar of Klaus Schwab’s Academy for YGLs. Rather than calling for new election, Ms. Boluarte seems to be poised to remain in power until next Presidential elections in 2026. The few protests have been muffled by the media, and the world keeps turning.

They are all wins with the tiniest of differences. Technically, all within margins of error. And nobody insists on a recount? Or “recounts” were just not discussed – dictate of the manipulating rulers?

In France, Emmanuel Macron narrowly survived a parliamentary vote of non-confidence in the hail of protests against the unpopular presidential “decree”, rather than parliamentary vote – of a pension age increase from 62 to 64 – by 287 against 278.

All manufactured coincidences?

The population takes it all – no questions asked. It’s democracy at play.

If you ask such questions, uncomfortable questions, people avoid your eyes. At best they say, “it’s good we don’t know all”. That’s the level of consciousness we have reached. The Antichrist is living right among us and nobody seems to care – or dares to care.

President Erdogan faces a runoff election on 28 May 2023.

The narrowest of margins for pro-west, anti-Russia, pro-NATO Kemal Kilicdaroglu would be sufficient to get rid of Mr. Erdogan, an obstacle for the west’s plan of domination with Turkey, as key NATO member between East and West and Sweden admitted to NATO, another NATO member at Moscow’s doorstep. Is Kilicdaroglu a WEF scholar, a Young Global Leader?

Nobody would ask any question.

It’s a democratic process, a democratic decision – all legal, following the rules.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is from duvarenglish

Posted with the permission of the author.