Thursday, April 18, 2024

NFL Superstar Aaron Rodgers Claims HIV/AIDS was a Government-Engineered Pandemic in 1980’s

NFL Superstar Aaron Rodgers Claims HIV/AIDS was a Government-Engineered Pandemic in 1980’s (VIDEO)

Screenshot: Look Into It/Rokfin

Aaron Rodgers, celebrated quarterback for the New York Jets, has sparked a storm of controversy following remarks made on the “Look Into It” podcast, where he suggested that the HIV/AIDS pandemic of the 1980s was a government-engineered crisis, with Dr. Anthony Fauci playing a corrupt role.

In the viral video clip, Rodgers questioned the management and motivations behind the government’s response to the HIV/AIDS crisis that claimed over 100,000 lives in the United States within a decade.

He hinted at a possible ulterior motive, suggesting that the pandemic was engineered as part of a larger scheme.

“The blueprint, the game plan was made in the ’80s. Create a pandemic with a virus that’s going wild,” Rodgers claimed.

He went on to criticize the funding allocated to Dr. Fauci, accusing him of benefiting from the research grants without significant advancements in treatment, except for AZT – the first drug approved to treat HIV/AIDS that according

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Blogger's note:  My company was involved in cutting edge products for the Life Science Industry, and in 1984 I had an interview with an engineer at Lederle Labs (Now it is Pfizer)  in Pearl River, NY.  The engineer was involved in designing and engineering new products for use in research.  He informed me that AIDS started there at Lederle with a beta test of a Hepatitis B vaccine that was distributed to the gay community.   Unfortunately the ultra cold freezer that the samples were stored in broke down, and the samples were destroyed.  Aaron Rodgers is correct.