Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Flashback: Kamala Promised to Confiscate Firearms by Executive Order in First 100 Days


Flashback: Kamala Promised to Confiscate Firearms by Executive Order in First 100 Days

Kamala Harris previously vowed to take executive action against firearms if Congress failed to pass gun reform legislation.

Footage from the “most liberal senator’s” failed 2020 presidential campaign showed Harris espousing support for former candidate Beto O’Rourke’s scheme for a mandatory gun buyback of “assault rifles,” telling reporters she’d make it an executive priority during her first 100 days in office.

“Yeah, I think it’s a great idea. But listen, I don’t think we lack for great ideas. As I’ve said many times, we’ve been having great ideas for decades. The problem is that Congress has not had the courage to act. And that is why, from the beginning, I have said my agenda includes attempting to get Congress to act,” Harris said.

But if they don’t within the first 100 days of my administration, I’m going to take executive action. Because what we need is action. We have a failure of supposed leaders to act,” she added.

    The former California AG’s suggestion she’d circumvent Congress to infringe on the Second Amendment comes as her radical far-left record faces scrutiny following her coronation as Democrat presidential nominee, with everything from her sordid relationships with multiple high-level men to her failure as border czar to her calls to defund police laid bare for all to judge.