Saturday, July 13, 2024

Hungary’s President Viktor Orban – The European Peacemaker or International Game Changer?


Hungary’s President Viktor Orban – The European Peacemaker or International Game Changer?

Peter Koenig
July 12, 2024

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With the EU’s and NATO’s wrath and vehement disapproval, President Viktor Orban of Hungary used the occasion of Hungary’s European Union Presidency from 1 July to 31 December 2024, to go on a peace mission. Mr. Orban wants peace against the will of the EU and against the mandate of NATO.

Orbán’s Big Hungarian Presidency Speech Blocked by European Parliament” 

Hungarian European Union (EU) Council presidency will have to wait until later in the year for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to present its agenda under the slogan “Make Europe Great Again” before the European Parliament.

Attempts by Hungarian premier Viktor Orbán to address MEPs at the inaugural plenary sitting of the newly elected assembly in Strasbourg have been rebuffed by parliamentary chiefs unable to find room to accommodate him in the agenda, two sources familiar with the issue have told Euronews. See this.

The EU and NATO are warmongers, working for the war industry, especially the United States weapons manufacturers – and of course, showing the world that they adhere to the Western world’s narrative – “hating” Russia – which is IN, as in “fashionable”, and increasingly as in “neo-fascism”.

When you hate Russia and want to do harm to President Putin, you are respected in the West.

If you ask them why? But nobody does – they would say, “Because of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine”.  They know and we know it is a lie.

Ever since the Western-instigated Maidan Coup on February 22, 2014 in Kiev, Ukraine’s politics have taken a new turn to Nazism, what they were already during WWII, when the Banderas Azov battalions were fighting Russia alongside Hitler’s Reich’s troops. And killed tens if not hundreds of thousands of Russians.

Yes, Kiev’s troops did.

The same Azov units, still very much alive today – and still out for killing Russian citizens in the Donbass areas and other Ukraine regions, where Russian speaking people are the majority. An estimated 14,000 to 17,000 Russians were killed from February 2014 until the Russian intervention in February 2022 – which was the principal reason for Russia to act.

So, it is not a Russian aggression war as the West propagates, but it’s rather a Russian defense war, as history clearly shows.

The West knows this of course. NATO chief Stoltenberg himself repeated several times in the last six months that the Ukraine Russia war started already in 2014 – a clear admission that the instigators were the West, not Russia.

Obviously, France, Germany, Italy, the Brussels technocrats and the entire “leadership” of Europe are fully aware of this. They just keep lying and misleading people to believe this is a Russian-initiated war, when it is NOT. It is a purely Western provocation, continuing as of this day.

Mr. Orban knows it.

So, instead of continuing the Western lie narrative, he did NOT attend the NATO Summit in Washington DC during the past couple of days. But he traveled to Kiev and met with President Zelenskyy, then to Moscow to talk to President Putin, and finally to Beijing to meet with President Xi — all on a mission to seek PEACE.

Details and results of the talks are so far kept secret. It is just known that Zelenskyy was not non-plussed by President Orban’s proposals. Or let’s put it this way: Zelenskyy, who deep down probably also would prefer to be at peace, is not allowed by the West and especially not NATO, to seek peace.

In an ultimate act of provocation, the West wants to make Ukraine a NATO country, simultaneously with making the turbo-corrupt Ukraine a European Union member, thereby breaking all economic and ethical rules, and act beyond ALL Reason.

Why is Mr. Zelenskyy’s deep-down wish for peace obvious? Because in April 2022, he was ready to sign a Peace Agreement with President Putin, at the Erdogan-sponsored Peace Talks in Istanbul. It was Boris Johnson, then British PM, who called stop, told Zelenskyy not to sign because the UK and the larger West, NATO did not want peace. They wanted the war of attrition to continue. And so it does – until this day.

As PM Orban embarked on his “unapproved” journey to Kiev, Moscow and Beijing, the Brussels so-called lead-cadres, like Ursula von der Leyen, Josep Borrell, were falling all over themselves condemning Mr. Orban for not adhering to EU rules, going his own way – the Peace way — a way so distant from the path Europe has chosen, which is harming Russia as much as possible.

In recent days, the unelected EU Commission even threatened Orban with taking the EU Presidency away from him, for his misbehavior. Of course, they cannot. They know it. So, it is again just propaganda talk for make-believe people that Orban and Putin are bad people, not to be associate with the goodness of the West.

The EU is already busy with preparing yet more useless “sanctions” against Russia – and who knows, maybe also against one of their own, Hungary.

Self-propelled Western destructive events are advancing fast, and people around these events are waking up to the truth.

Combine the Orban Peace Initiative, with the de facto French election win of Madame Le Pen’s National Rally Party, though fraudulently denied, and with the effective alliance established between Mr. Orban and Ms. Marine Le Pen, you may see that the plot is cooking.

What if Mr. Orban would decide to exit the EU and / or NATO and if simultaneously civil war-like unrest would break out in France because of the election fraud?

The Macron government would have to resign and Ms. Le Pen may take over, or early general [honest] elections would have to be called and the new leader – barring fraud – would decide on behalf of the people and for the people, that France should exit the EU, and even remembering their old visionary, General Charles de Gaulle’s decision of June 21, 1966, to withdraw from NATO, and pledging that Europe should have its own defense system, independently from that of the US of A.

General De Gaulle was also a staunch opponent of a united Europe, defending the sovereignty of his country, his people.

There are no coincidences. Who knows, Mr. Orban’s Peace initiative, in combination with the French election fraud, may break the Western’s warrior back, and become a corner stone for a new area.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.