Friday, July 26, 2024



The Trends Journal had forecast that Joe Biden would step down and Kamala Harris would run for President in 2024. And we now forecast, minus a wild card such as a stock market crash, Harris will beat Donald Trump in the race for the White House.
This was our 17 May 2022 TREND FORECAST: Harris has aspirations to be President of the United States and she knows that her boss is an unpopular president who is 79 years old. She wants to be the party standard-bearer and needs to start making a name for herself if she hopes to run for president again.
Being that the Biden administration is viewed as ineffective in bringing down inflation and strongly boosting the economy, Harris will seize upon abortion rights because there seems to be only two things she can use to unite her front: Ukraine War support and pro-abortion.

We had also forecast that despite Joe Biden’s low approval rating during the 2022 mid-term election season, the Republicans would lose the opportunity to have a strong House majority – which they did because of their anti-abortion platform – and that Kamala Harris, as the Democratic Party “heir,” would seize upon the opportunity... which she did.  
In our 24 May 2022 Trends Journal, we wrote in our TRENDPOSTHarris no doubt is thrilled to finally have a topic that resonates with Americans who are growing increasingly frustrated with the Biden administration. A newly released CBS News/YouGov poll found that nearly eight in 10 voters say conditions in the U.S. are going “somewhat” or “very” badly and 56 percent disapprove of how Biden is handling his presidential duties.
These numbers do not bode well for Harris who theoretically is the heir in the Democratic Party, so she is latching on to a topic that resonates with single-issue voters and core constituencies. And there is no better single issue than abortion. Gerald Celente has long said that “When all else fails they take you to war.” In electoral politics for Democrats going into the mid-term elections, that saying could be edited to, “When all else fails bring up abortion rights.”

Harris Will Beat Trump
Gerald Celente, publisher of the weekly Trends Journal magazine, author of bestselling book TRENDS 2000 and TREND TRACKING – Far Better than Megatrends – TIME, noted in his Tuesday podcast that trend-forecasting is not what you hope for or what you believe in. Trend forecasting is based on facts alone and making connections between different fields.  
A political atheist, Celente said, “It's not what you want, what you wish for, what you believe in – we’re trend-forecasters; It’s what is.”
When Trump picked J.D. Vance as VP, Celente – who worked on major political campaigns in Westchester County, NY, was assistant to the Secretary of the New York State Senate and taught a political campaign technology course at St. John’s University – said Vance was a bad choice because Trump won big against Biden in Ohio in the 2020 election, and he should have picked a candidate that would have helped him win a swing state.
Now, making a bad pick much worse, Celente said that “Vance being so anti-abortion, and pro-life, it is going to make them lose the presidential election.” Indeed, Vance has been highly criticized for his recent comment calling women without children "a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too." 

And on the Trump side of abortion, according to his previous statements, Harris will blast him for his stance. Indeed, as we wrote in our 30 May 2023 Trends Journal TRENDPOST: “Trump has called himself the “the most pro-life president in American history” and his Supreme Court appointments overturned Roe v. Wade. (See: “CONFIDENCE IN SUPREME COURT HITS ALL-TIME LOW IN 2022: POLL,” 23 May 2023.)
Trump took credit for “killing” the law that had been in place for 50 years. “After 50 years of failure, with nobody coming even close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade, much to the ‘shock’ of everyone,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

“Without me there would be no 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, or whatever is finally agreed to. Without me the pro-Life movement would have just kept losing,” Trump said.

Gerald Celente has said whether it is Trump or DeSantis that runs against the Democrat nominee next year, their stance on the abortion issue will be a major issue that will cause them to lose the race to the White House.
Celente noted that the Republicans did not strongly win the midterm elections in 2022 because a lot of young woman voters went to the polls to vote for Democrats as they voiced their opposition against anti-abortion Republicans.

NBC News noted that the Public Policy Research Institute ran a national poll in February that found 64 percent of Americans think abortion should be legal in all or most cases—which is an increase from the 55 percent who agreed in 2010. The poll, when broken down by political affiliation, found 87 percent of Democrats, 65 percent of independents, and 37 percent of Republicans say abortion should be legal.

Vote Against Trump

Just as the big issue Harris was selling back in 2022 was pro-abortion, Celente said she’ll make it a major campaign plank for the next 100 days. In doing so, she will heavily win the women's vote.

Also, a sizable hate-Trump segment of society that would not have gone to the polls if Biden was running will go to the polls to vote for Harris. According to a March ABC News/Ipsos poll, 54 percent said they have an unfavorable view of Trump.
TREND FORECAST: Harris for President was all planned out. As Gerald Celente had said, the fix was in. He said a June debate between candidates for president was unheard of, and the plan was to show how ineffective Biden was, and is, and the plan was to put in Harris all along.
“Because if they waited for September to do this, they wouldn't have had enough time to play the game,” Celente said, and barring a wild-card event, Vice President Kamala Harris will defeat Donald Trump in 2024.”