Tuesday, July 2, 2024

New claims surface that Democrats are PREPARING CONCENTRATION CAMPS

 New claims surface that Democrats are PREPARING CONCENTRATION CAMPS for conservative “dissidents”

06/30/2024 // S.D. Wells // 13.7K Views
Dial it back to 2016, when every Democrat in America thought Hillary “Hitlery” Clinton had the election in the bag. The fake news media complex was already beginning to cast Donald J. Trump as a racist, misogynist, white supremacist, all-immigrant-hating rich white casino guy who would destroy democracy and ruin the economy. Bernie “Commie” Sanders even got cheated out of the Democratic nomination process, in the rigged primaries, scammed by the Associated Press and the DNC (Demoncrats of Nefarious Criminals). They even admitted it afterwards.

After “The Donald” won, fair and square, the Dems blamed Russia. It was all over the news, splattered on every liberal newspaper in the country (that’s just about all of them), covered every hour by every presstitute news pundit, and spewed daily from the mouths of Hillary, Oprah and every other Hollywood bought-and-sold celebrity. Four years. Four years this went on. Complete and utter ELECTION DENIALISM to the hilt. The “lib-tards” had massive temper tantrums, talking about moving out of the country (which none of them ever did), and spastic mental breakdowns that are now infamously known as “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

Nobody got accused of a crime. Nobody had to go to court over it. The FBI did NOT question anyone ever about this election denialism. Nobody went to jail for “election denialism,” or got sued for every penny they are worth (and then some) and nobody, literally NOONE served even one single minute in jail or prison for it. Four years, folks. Four long years conservatives just took the abuse and complaining because -- that's what you do when you lose.

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Source:  Natural News