Friday, July 26, 2024

Thoughts on Health Rangers Observations of Trump Hit


Thoughts on Health Rangers Observations of Trump Hit

And to be clear, no serious sniper or Trump would allow someone to shoot his ear. But a rifle in a vice could safely fire a bullet nearby (say 10 feet away) to create the desired acoustic signature.

Some people have told me Trump would never allow this. Why not? It’s already been established Trump is a superhero with indomitable courage.

We drive by giant trucks coming opposite direction on two-way roads on a normal basis. We eat foods from unknown origin in novel restaurants staffed by people we never see and servers whose names we do not know. We fly in airplanes maintained by unknown people with unknown parts and piloted by people we rarely meet. Doctors we never knew before operate with knives inside our bodies, and trusting-millions take deadly jabs of unknown provenance pushed by globalists.

It’s not hard to imagine a rifle in a vice and It’s easy to imagine the stage trick was not the assassination but in putting Trump into the untouchable status to imprison Americans with biometric IDs, and truly mandatory death jabs and social credit scores.

I do not know. But I do know all the evidence I have seen so far could go either way.