Thursday, August 22, 2024

Harris/Biden ATF Latest Move: A Dangerous Path Toward Banning AR-15 Rifles


Harris/Biden ATF Latest Move: A Dangerous Path Toward Banning AR-15 Rifles

Cometary by PC User  

August 22, 2024

The Bolsheviks, and the KOMMIE Mind Set they come from, are hard at work trying to soften Americans up for their World Domination Wet Dream they have nurtured for thousands of years. It is referred to in their writings stretching back to the days of Babylon. They cannot tolerate an armed populace since it reminds them that they are NOT more equal than everyone else.
If these gun grabbing politicos and lawmakers wanted to give themselves some credibility, they would enact laws that would put the Fear of God into anyone who abuses their God Given RKBA (Right to Keep and Bear Arms) and quit returning those criminals to the streets where they repeat their offenses against the law and the law abiding. How about some laws requiring mandatory public hangings for the punks who decide to shoot it out with their rival gang members in a crowded venue where innocent civilians are caught in the crossfire? Since Gang Violence makes up one of the largest sources for “Gun Violence”, maybe they should write a law that states that gangs must conduct all of their shoot outs in a secluded field way outside of town, where they can all safely shoot themselves dead without impacting innocent bystanders.
If the truth be told, I don’t believe that these Kommie Bolshevik Gun Grabbers actually care one twit about those killed by firearms. I believe they are motivated by their desire to dominate and control all their Serfs, Slaves, and Pee-Ons which cannot be attained over an armed population. History proves that gun control and disarmament preceded almost every KOMMIE take over. Most always sold as “For the Safety of the Children”!!!
If you read Marbury v. Madison, and the 2A, and the Supremacy Clause found in Article 6 of the US Constitution, you will realize that most every INFRINGING gun law is Null & Void from inception and no US Citizen has a Duty or Right to either Obey or ENFORCE them. Furthermore, every one of these INFRINGING GUN GRABBERS is a TREASONOUS FELONIOUS PERJUROR every time they raise their right hand and swear to uphold and defend the US Constitution. They should all be locked up a long time ago awaiting their trial before a Military Tribunal!!!!!! Our very esteemed Founders, although not perfect, would have had them swinging from ropes a very long time ago. They should have made an addendum to the 2A that should have stated that anyone who “INFRINGES OR ABUSES THE RKBA” would be hung at sunrise the very same day following their conviction, and their very proper Tar&Feathering. Or are we “Too Civilized” for that? Perhaps it is not too late!!! Let’s get the Patriotic Word Smiths working on a comprehensive Ammendment to the Second AMMENDMENT!!!!!! I would suggest that all citizens arm up and stock up on Ammo, since it seems to be abundantly clear that those who aim to enslave you are importing an army of paid for mercenaries, mixed in with the MILLIONS of Illegal Invaders who they allow to waltz across the border and then maintain in luxurious hotels, ON YOUR DIME, no less. When they get their orders, they will attack. BE QUICK, OR DEAD!!!

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