Thursday, September 12, 2024

America Will All But Be Destroyed And The Population Reduced Dramatically


America Will All But Be Destroyed And The Population Reduced Dramatically During A False Flag, World War, Or A Hot Civil War (Think Deagel Report).  Yes, The End Times Really Are That Close

Mid September may be a bit early to speak of the 2024 US Presidential election results (after all, the elections per say are not even held until November 5th) but there is nevertheless much we can determine this early.  First and foremost is that there will be massive voter fraud as it has already reared it nasty head all over the place.  So much so that any results may be so far off of reality that it will be impossible to determine what the actual results should be just as we saw in the 2012, 2016 and 2020 elections.  We are not here to go over how early voting, mail in ballots, proven corrupt voting machines, dead people and criminal invaders voting, corrupt poll officials and more contribute to the total lack of any reliance on the validity of our elections; but we are here to go over some ideas on what the official results may bring.

Perhaps I should say – what they will bring other than chaos. 

The first item to cover before that in order to set the stage better is to answer the question of who is actually in charge in the White House right now.  Ostensibly it is the brain dead international criminal and thief, graft practitioner extraordinaire that has been on far more vacation days than working days.  Actually, I do not think he has been off of vacation all of this year, and his appearances have been for photo op sessions only with back to back serial vacations since the Camela Creature began her romp in the candidate ring looking for something to  - ummm, shall we just say ‘Fraternize’ with?

Actually Biden’s grasp on his position (I still refuse to use the title President in any association with his name) is so tenuous that many of us, including myself, do not believe he has been in control of anything as he is just a low end actor playing the part; but even when he still had a minor grasp of some wits or idea of reality and just suffices – or better stated, used to suffice as a script reader for his controllers.  He cannot even handle something that simple now and has not been able to for some time as the many actors playing his part testifies.  He has become so bad that I believe Obama has cut the puppet strings and left him out to shrivel up in the corner like an old tossed aside moldy orange peel. 

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