Saturday, September 14, 2024

Latest Developments in the Coming World War

Russian Diplomat Families HAVE LEFT the United States

Blogger's note:  That usually means war is coming.

UPDATED 2:23 PM EDT -- Russia Formally Notifies United Nations: If US/UK Approve Western Weapons Strikes Deep into Russia - a "State of War" will exist

Blogger's note:  In my humble opinion a state of war has existed since that bitch Nuland over threw the Ukranian Government in 2014.  It has only been getting worse each day.  The enemy of the US is NOT the Russians, but the TRAITORS of our government.  It is a government that is illegitimate, and populated with dual citizens that work not to protect the US, but to destroy it.  We have no border, and Americans do not count, but illegal invaders do.   They are showered with money and privilege.  We have not built up our military, and most if not all of our weapons of war and ammunition is overseas. 

In my opinion Biden or whatever actor is playing his part will resign from the Presidency which will make the whore the President.  War will ensue.  Kamala will suspend the elections, and the desecration of our country will accelerate.

British Navy Shadows Russian Submarine in English Channel as Four Russian Vessels Enter UK Waters