Friday, September 13, 2024

Michael Yon on the Future


War Cancer Spreading body to body country to country I have repeatedly warned since before the “Ukraine war”went kinetic the greatest danger by far is USA making preemptive nuclear strikes on Russia, Iran, and anyone else the Kult wants to sacrifice. Up to and including self-strike on USA by USA and masters. But far larger than 07 October 2023, 9/11, and all the rest combined. I would not be surprised to see USA nuke USA or an ally as casus belli to immediately nuke Russia, Iran, and more. Zionists are desperate to use our military to destroy their perpetual enemies, including Persians. This war is far bigger, more profound, more transcendent than the average “analyst” can perceive. Food supply is being shutdown. Nord Stream. Dutch Gas Field. Screw worms, MDRTB, Darien Gap invasion corridor, and far more. I warned about all of it, and more, in advance. I called the fall of Berlin Wall in 1986 when in my young twenties. Yet CIA and rest said they didn’t see it coming. How did they miss it? There is NOTHING a kult will not do. NOTHING. Massive genocides unfolding. Ireland as we know it is dead man walking. As one example. Ireland is fully invaded. Who you vote for is irrelevant. We’ve crossed the PONR, the Rubicon, the Event Horizon. And many already crossed the River Styx — a river I refuse to cross. The fake “elections” are soma and distraction. I did not waste time analyzing the fake “debate.” You are at war. There is no opt out for the living. Nobody, no matter how rich and powerful, will sit this out. Will this go nuclear? I do not know. Will the war spread? In practical terms, 100%. You rarely see me say 100%. All of our family trees lived through many wars, famines, pandemics, and tyrannies. Collect your family and friends and prepare your minds. Go with God.
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6
Deadly serious…