Friday, September 13, 2024

Migrant Population In Charleroi, Pennsylvania Explodes 2,000% As Crisis Unfolds


Migrant Population In Charleroi, Pennsylvania Explodes 2,000% As Crisis Unfolds

by Tyler Durden
Thursday, Sep 12, 2024 - 05:40 PM

Americans are quickly realizing that the Biden-Harris administration's disastrous open southern border policies that flooded the nation with millions of unvetted illegal aliens from third-world countries are quickly overwhelming towns and local municipalities nationwide.

The nation has been shocked by the 20,000 Haitians that were dumped into Springfield, Ohio, by the Biden administration's expansion of the Temporary Protected Status program for immigrants from that failed Caribbean nation. By the way, the small town only had 58,000 before the migrant crisis began. 

Springfield resident Diana Daniels told Fox News on Thursday that life in the metro area, with thousands of Haitian migrants, has been chaotic. She said local resources like housing and health care are quickly being drained, warning it's "like living in a dystopian nightmare."

Another Springfield resident is frustrated with the Biden-Harris team importing the third world into the first world: 

"I see what's going on in the streets. And I see you guys sitting up there and, comfy chairs and suits… I really challenge you guys to get out here and do something, said Anthony Harris, 28, adding, "These Haitians are running into trash cans. They're running into buildings. They're flipping cars in the middle of the street, and I don't know how like, y'all can be comfortable with this."

And another...

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Blogger's note:  The so-called Biden Administration is not only an Administration of the coup plotters, it is also an Administration of TRAITORS.  They should be charged, tried, and if convicted hung as decorations of liberty on the streets of DC.