Friday, September 27, 2024

Top 8 NON-RUSSIAN tyranny schemes and destructive weapons used AGAINST U.S. citizens

 Top 8 NON-RUSSIAN tyranny schemes and destructive weapons used AGAINST U.S. citizens by the current Democrat-Communist Regime in Washington DC

09/26/2024 // S.D. Wells 

The United States Fake News Industrial Complex and the Communist-Democrats in Washington DC love to blame Russia, Russia, Russia for every evil plot, scheme, scamdemic and catastrophe to strike the United States, but the truth of the matter is that nearly all of this has been what truth news refers to as an “inside job.”

Make no mistake, Kamala’s KASA extremists are all brainwashed to think that she is a better choice for President than Donald J. Trump, when nothing can be further from the truth. Just in the past four years, Americans have experienced more trauma, hardships and catastrophes than ever before on our own soil, and it’s all been preempted, propagated and perpetuated with fake news from Big Media, Big Pharma and Big Tech.

The number one excuse for all this ill will that’s originated and inflicted by the U.S. government and it’s corrupt 3-letter agencies is … Russia. Blame Russia and the majority of the U.S. populace will take the bait, hook-line-and-sinker.

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