UK pensioners will be frozen and starved to death by Starmer’s left-wing Government
An estimated three-quarters of all UK pensioners receive a smaller pension than the Government is claiming.
The standard pension is £169.50 a week and NOT £221.20 a week as the Government claims. That’s less than a quarter of the average wage. It’s less than is spent on immigrants. It’s less than most people on benefits receive. It is one of the lowest State pensions in the Western world.
Politicians and journalists constantly lie about the money paid to British Pensioners.
Politicians say that pensioners receive £221.20 a week to live on.
That is a terminological inexactitude. It’s not true. It is a convenient piece of misinformation.
Millions of British Pensioners actually receive the basic state pension of £169.50 a week. That’s £8,814 a year. And that is supposed to pay for accommodation, heat, light, clothing, transport, clothes and everything else. Unlike Starmer and his chums, not many pensioners are given free clothes and spectacles.
Pensioners everywhere are in debt because Starmer’s Government is too busy paying out huge sums to trade union members who went on strike for more money. (Belligerent junior doctors – who should have been sacked for unprofessional behaviour are getting a massive and absurd 22% pay rise.)
So, why the confusion about what pensions are paid to the elderly?
Just under ten years ago the State pension paid to retirees who had worked all their lives and who paid taxes and national insurance payments so that they would receive a pension, was changed.
New pensioners receive the “new” pension of £221.20 a week. Lucky for them – though there aren’t all that many of them.
But the oldest pensioners, the ones in their mid to late 70s and in their 80s and 90s, receive the smaller pension of £169.50.
Any politician who claims all pensioners receive the same high pension is lying.
An estimated three-quarters of all pensioners receive the smaller pension.
So the standard pension is £169.50 a week and NOT £221.20 a week.
And when the pension rises each year the difference between the pension paid to the oldest and most vulnerable pensioners and the pension paid to the youngest and fittest pensioners continues to rise.
So in April 2025, three-quarters of pensioners will receive an annual rise of £360 whereas the relatively few younger pensioners will receive much more. And it is of course the higher figure which deceitful Labour Ministers talk about.
The gap between the groups grows every year.
One of the first things “Free Suits” Starmer and his Government did when they took power was to take away the modest heating allowance paid to pensioners. They did this knowing that it would result in thousands of pensioners dying of the cold.
Starmer and other Ministers are well-paid but in a sickening display of greed, they still grabbed free clothes, free spectacles and free tickets while knowing that by taking away the heating allowance they would kill thousands.
And now Starmer and his rich chums are handing out lorry loads of cash to their union pals while pensioners are starving to death.
Worse still, politicians are hiding the truth.
Most pensioners in Britain who receive the FULL State pension receive a miserly £169.50 a week. I know because that’s what I receive. I’ve worked all my life, and paid loads of money in taxes and national insurance, but with my £169.50 a week I am supposed to pay for everything I need to stay alive – a roof over my head, council taxes, heating, property insurance, transport, food, clothes and so on. That’s less than a quarter of the average wage. It’s less than is spent on immigrants. It’s less than most people on benefits receive. It is one of the lowest State pensions in the Western world.
Thanks to the Labour Government thousands of pensioners will freeze to death this winter. And thousands will starve to death.
Why are Labour ministers paying pensioners so little – and lying about it? Don’t Labour Ministers and MPs give a damn about old people? Why do young pensioners receive far more money than older pensioners – the ones who most cannot work and who feel the cold far more?
Only male pensioners who were born after the 6th of April 1951 and female pensioners who were born after the 6th of April 1953 receive the new State Pension. Everyone born before that date receives the smaller State Pension. It seems like a punishment for being older.
Maybe Starmer’s plan is just to kill as many old people as possible.
If so, then the plan will doubtless work very well.
Note: There is feisty and irreverent advice for pensioners in Vernon Coleman’s book `Kick Ass A to Z for Over 60s’. You can buy a copy via the bookshop on my website.
About the Author
Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books. He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.
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