Thursday, March 6, 2025
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With the consummate liar, Netanyahu, claiming that there is a secret nuclear program in Iran is beyond hypocrisy. This criminal lives in a glass house, and should not throw stones. If Israel has the right to nuclear weapons so does Iran. What I would be looking for is Israel pulling a false flag on the US Navy.
Stein Hillary's Shill 120216
On Wednesday I listened to "Democracy Now", and later the Tucker Carlson Show. Each host was interviewing Jill Sellout Stein, but neither asked the key question. The key question for me would have been the following: "Jill, a hand recount of the votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania would probably not be completed by the December 19th deadline for the electoral votes. That would deny Trump the necessary votes to be elected President. That seems to be the Hillary strategy to steal the election, so why would the Green Party candidate shill for Hillary's election. Has Hillary, Bill, the Clinton Campaign, the DNC or others that are connected to the Clinton's approached you, and what were you offered?"
That would have been my question, but then again that is why I only operate in the "Fake News" section of journalism.
Egg Timer 06/14/16
The shooting at the Pulse night club in Orlando, which is just another false flag to promote a not so hidden agenda if failing to convince America that the gun did it. At the gym last night no body believed the government's story.
Just think of the 2.5 to 3 million UNCOUNTED votes in California. Had to get that off the front page. Just think that yesterday Trump was going to give a speech on the crimes of the Clintons. Well that had to be postponed. Cui bono? Hillary of course, and the Indonesian male prostitute that resides in the White House, and vacations around the world. He is determined to disarm law abiding Americans before he leaves the White House.
Iowa Caucus
How about Hillary's luck with her winning 6 coin tosses? Maybe she should play the horses, blackjack, etc. as they all can be fixed too. In six coin tosses you would have a 1 in 64 chance of winning all six. What that tells me is that the Iowa democrats have more allegiance to The Wicked Witch of the West than they do to their own country.
How about Sen. Cruz? He was not natural born, and there is doubt that his mother was born in the US. He is ineligible to run for President, but hey Obama did it why not him?
As for Rubio he was born in the US, but not of US citizens, so he too is not eligible to run for President. He has quite a few skeletons in his closet, and that is why they like him.
So much for representative government. It is a joke, but it is not funny.
Pearl Harbor
Today one should remember a day of "infamay". Yes today December 7th, 1941 the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, as Roosevelt hoped that they would. He made sure that the aircraft carriers were out to sea, and the dinosaur battleships were in port.
He needed an attack, where the US would lose military personnel, so that he could take the side of Churchill against Hitler. You see there were many like the Bush family that backed Hitler. So this necessitated the sacrifice of Americans to further Roosevelt's agenda.
And the beat goes on. We are still expendable to further hidden agendas.
December 7th, 2015
Halloween brings people in strange costumes, and strange people without costumes. So to does it sometimes bring strange events, in costumes. A Russian jet crashes in the Sinai. Well who was, and still is looking for their candy? Who would be willing and able to inflict such damage to the Russians? Looks to me that it would be Israel, the US, with the most means to do it. With ISIS a distant third.
Who does the security at the airport that the plane took off from?
Listening to the House Hearings on Benghazi was maddening.
The question not asked of the Wicked Witch of the West was "Why were we in Libya, and under what Congressional authorization justified it?"
What Hillary said at one point was that "We had to stop Quadafi from oppressing his people." Well he could ride standing up in an open top car without armed protection, and hear the "oppressed" cheer him. Quadafi had turned his country around, and he ran it for the benefit of the people.
The "oppressed" that the Witch referred to were the hired mercenaries out of Benghazi that Quadafi was fighting, and fighting successfully.
The Democrats were not interested in a thorough investigation of what happened, and why, but only in "Lets cover Hillary's ass mode." They accused the Republicans of turning it into a political circus. Well Hillary and Barry (aka Barack) immediately turned in into a political fairy tale while the dead Americans bodies were still warm. Obama thinking of 2012 election and Hillary thinking about 2016.
What Stevens was in on was the knowledge that Hillary and Obama were shipping weapons such as Stinger Missiles to the enemy. The enemy was fighting a US, Israeli, Saudi proxy war to overthrow Assad. My fellow Americans that is TREASON.
Was Hillary using here State Department Office to enhance the Clinton Foundation with money from people and countries that made generous "contributions" to it? In essence these were bribes to pay for her 2016 Presidential run
Hello all,
The technical support that I signed up for in 5 minutes has resolved the problem. So we will be back up and flying soon.
Obama will hate that fact.
October 3, 2015
The problem is back.
October 2, 2015
Finally, the problem has been fixed. Will be posting again soon, but first I have to take care of personal business.
October 2, 2015
Campus was a gun free zone, and vet with concealed carry was prevented to stop the carnage.
Also the World's most notorious killer, Barack Obama, referred to himself 28 times in his feigned attempt to turn the still warm victims as sacrificial lambs in his desire to disarm all Americans. This is a sick man that the rest of the World suffers from him NPD. Did you notice his pursed lips during his reading of his "sympathy" speech? That is a true sign of NPD. He knows NO empathy whatsoever.
Every Tuesday this asshole sits down with a kill list, and picks out who to execute with drones. Many men, women and children dies as collateral damage with the actions of this beast.
October 1, 2015
Still cannot post.
Will keep trying to right the situation.
September 30, 2015
Could not get into the blog today, and now that that has been addressed, we now cannot post.
Bear with us as we try and right the situation.
I guess that we must have annoyed someone.
Stock Trading 07/08/15
Stock trading has been suspended!!!
Christie Waddles for the Presidency
Just this past week the big fat bully governor of New Jersey announced that he was running for the Republican nomination for the Presidency. We here in New Jersey knew that he was waddling for the job ever since he was elected governor.
He has been a disaster for New Jersey, and he would be worse for the US.
This past Friday I received a survey from "Everytown for Gun Safety", and of course it was about gun control. Or should I say the disarming of the citizens of America before their total enslavement and death.
It was also just a coincidence that the DHS ran an "active shooter" drill at the time of the Charleston shooting.
April 30, 2015
They have been trying to divide and conquer for quite some time, and Baltimore is just another attempt. Do not fall for it. Yes the murder of Freddie Gray was terrible, but it does not justify violence. Beware of agent provocateurs.
Yes there were peaceful protests, but looking at MSM you would not know it. What are they hiding while the Baltimore Riots takes front page, while a Treaty disguised as an agreement is being thrust upon our Nation. Discussed in secret, and with transnational corporate input. No Congressional input. They cannot even discuss what they have been told with their constituents.
Fast Track began with the Nixon administration for tariff rate, and only tariff rates. Treaties required 2/3 of the Senate to pass. Along comes The Great Communicator, the straight man for a chimp, and he declares treaties nothing more than agreements. So Ronnie only needed a simple majority of both houses.
Then came coke snorting, womanizing, money laundering Bill Clinton to get Fast Track on NAFTA, GATT, etc.
The TPP will grant sovereignty to corporations, and subject the citizens to their greedy whims and fancies. The poverty in this country and in others will explode, and violence will begin. That is why you are being subjected to another drill for Martial Law in Baltimore.
Just wait for Jade Helm, and again a psyops to get the masses used to Martial Law.
My friends any one who pushes the TPP is a TRAITOR.
April 17, 2015
In the local paper every Friday has what appears in the classified section is a listing of Sherrif's Sales. Every Friday the list was 3, 4 or 5 pages. Today while we are in "recovery" the pages number 7, and the Republican Congress is pushing the TPP, which will destroy not only the soveringty of the US and any other signatories, but it will further bring down the middle class (what is left of it). Do not worry though, the vultures will peck at the bones of the national, state, county, and local government's assets, and they will get them for pennies on the dollar. The bastards of banking will devour the houses, and turn them into rentals.
WTFU America.
January 20, 2015
Just listenedd to Obama's Chief of Staff say that Obama with his State of the Union will continue his struggle for the middle class. "Continue his struggle for the middle class...", is that sarcasm. Obama, if that is his real name, has been attacking the middle class, and in so doing is destroying the United States of America.
His speech will be nothing more than rhetoric. He is going to demand increased taxes on the rich. Well how will that happen with a GOP House and Senate? It cannot happen and he knows it. It is all for show, and he continues his life in lies.
January 12, 2015
There is outrage on the outcome of the Dallas Cowboys versus the Green Bay Packers. Why is their outrage on this total distraction? Fans here belong to one of two tribes that support the circus of the "bread and circus".
It has become a game of less and less interest as commercials, reviews, more reviews, pregame shows of several well paid ex-jocks to tell us what must be done by each team to win. Then after the game the same go over and over the game and why one team won and one lost. The media has more covering a meaningless event than the do covering all of Africa.
It is done to take you mind off the reality of the day. It is the blue pill to keep you from seeing that you are accepting a police state as you are groped and searched when you enter the stadium.
Then there is more money to be made in the betting on the game than in the TV and commercials. So would it be any surprise to you that the games might be fixed? It isn't to me. Have you ever seen the pro football game where one team plays and the other merely shows up? Maybe the team that only showed up knew who the winner would be.
There is also a globalist plan to destroy national sports such as US football, and replace it with soccer. Could this be a step in that direction?
For a look at a fixed game of last year please watch this link:
November 22, 2014
I remember the day well. A Customer Service Representative was promoted to Outside Sales, and he left just before lunch. His new job was to begin on the following Monday. He came back in at about an hour or two later. His face was white as a ghosts. He took a deep breath and said "President Kennedy has been killed."
It was a quiet at the bus stop in Newark that night, and the bus was dead silent. Just like today people are silent on the coup d'etat that happened that day in Dallas. It angers me that people can forget that at that day and time on the 11th month and the 22nd day our country was changed forever, and not for the better.
Many still believe that it is us versus them, and Democrat versus Republican when there is not a dime's worth of difference. The US and the world are run by a SSG (Secret Shadow Government).
Here is the audio of President Kennedy speaking about the danger to American in Secret Societies.
November 12, 2014
Civil Forfeiture
November 6, 2014
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn? It takes more than flying a flag and closing your eyes to the senseless slaughterr of men, women, and children to be patriotic. The "Great Satan" has struck again, and killed children in Ahrar Ash-Sham, Syria. It is to stop our own creation ISIS, or so they say. It is really to wage war against the Syrian government, and his majesty want Congress to expand his war making powers. So get off of your patriotic ass and call your Congressman and Senator and say, "I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore. End the wars, stop the bombing."
November 5, 2014
Today is the day after, and many of us know what a day after can be like. We promise never to do it again when we recover, but we forget about it and do it again. Well we did it again. We traded one bunch of traitors for another. It is like getting drunk on a different beverage. What will change? Nothing much will change. It will be the continued destruction of the United States, and the impoverishment of millions more. When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn?
October 8, 2008. Retirement Savings Lose $2 Trillion in 15 monthsRITTMAN,
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