Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Critique on President Obama's Inaugurations Speech

Now a critique of President Obama’s Inauguration speech.
He tells us that we have “gathering clouds and raging storms”, a bit of fear to instill into the mass of followers. He claims that “we have carried on not only by the skill or vision of those in high office, but by We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers…” What he is saying is that he has the skill and you must follow him into the dark and stormy night. Well what got us here in the first place? Was it the skill and vision of his predecessors? Included in that is our Legislative branch, business leaders, and of course our Wall Street/Federal Reserve partnership.
He says that we are at war against a “far-reaching network of violence and hatred”. Must I remind him of the words of the man whose birthday we honored yesterday, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.? That was a day that Barry tried to co-opt for his own personal aggrandizement. Dr. King said on April 4th 1967 in his speech at the Riverside Church that “the greatest exporter of violence the world has ever seen in the United States of America”. Should I remind him that Thomas Jefferson said “I fear for my country when I think that there may be a god that is just”? What would they say today. Oh, I guess that the bombs that we drop on Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and the bullets that we fire are for the good of the people. We are bringing them democracy. There future generations shall be affected for 4.5 billion years by that democracy enhancer called depleted uranium.
You claim that we have entered a “new age”. Oh, pray tell what that means. Is it that you are too cowardly to speak up against the tentacles of terror extended by Israel? What is you reason for your silence? Can you not hear the children scream or their mothers cry?
You speak of the “nagging fear that America’s decline is inevitable”, but that the challenges we face will be met. History does not just happen Barry it has been well planned by your backers. Look out America he has something up his sleeve. It will be change all right, but not the change that you expect.
He talks of hope over fear, but he still talks of fear. Hope is never realized, and never attained. It is a process and not a goal. He wants us to latch on to the never never. He wants “unity of purpose”. In essence no dissent, while as Jefferson said “Dissent if the highest form of patriotism”.
He speaks of setting aside childish things. Perhaps we should set aside the childish practice of coronations and simply have a swearing in of our next President. Just what does he mean disagreement? Disagreement and discussion bring consensus and solutions. He want us to “choose our better history” forgetting that forgetting ones history bad or good condemns one to relive it. He does not want us to remember Slavery, Wounded Knee, Ludlow, Haiti, Guatemala, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, No Gun Ri, Mai Lai, Iran Contra, and all of the meddling in the affairs of government that we have done. He is asking us to forget the false flag operations that have been done. He wants us to forget torture and unlawful imprisonment. He claims that he will close Guantanamo, while he is to open 14 new secret prisons.
He spoke of battles like Concord, Gettysburg, and Normandy, but he never should have mentioned Khe Sahn. Khe Shan was General Westmoreland showing the Vietnamese that he would not lose as the French did at Dien Bien Phu. He sacrificed thousands of Americans and Vietnamese to satisfy his ego.
He goes on to say that we are the “most prosperous, powerful nation on Earth”. What has he been sniffing? We live on $3 Billion dollars of borrowed money a day, and with your stimulus plan it will be more than $6 Billion, and more like $7 or $8 Billion. Money created out of thin air. This cannot go on forever, but you continue that we cannot “our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests, and putting off unpleasant decisions-that time has surely passed.” What does he mean by narrow interests? Is it the wages of the common man? Is it the manufacturing base that is still disappearing due to so called “free trade”. Is it the new aggregator bank that he spoke of, and is it simply a new Trojan Horse”? “Unpleasant decision”, do you mean the North American Union? Or is it the NAFTA Super Highway? Or is it privatizing, or should I say monetizing our natural resources? Or is it social programs on the chopping block, like Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Food Stamps, and even Social Security?
You spoke earlier about not allowing earmarks, when last year they came to $18.9 Billion. Yet Iraq and Afghanistan cost us somewhere between $15-18 Billion a month. Or is it even more?
You state that the economy is in bad shape, and you were in the Senate while it was allowed to happen, and I heard no Paul Revere ride from you. No, you were out campaigning. You speak of restoring our infrastructure, but is that the socialization of the cost so that you may sell it off?
As for schools and universities, will you do as your new Secretary Education has done in Chicago? Pay for the destruction of old public schools and set up schools for private profit. These schools are commonly referred to as Charter Schools. Already the house passed HR-1955 called the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act in 2007 was to set up committees to go around to the universities and ferret out our radical thoughts. Is that what it is going to be all about?
You then gets in to labeling claiming that “cynics do not understand”. Obama what do you not understand? There are usually reasons for being cynical. He claims that “the ground has shifted beneath their feet”. Obama the ground is still under my feet, and it is pretty solid, but you are building your presidency on the shaky ground. We cynics know more than you think. You speak of “stale political argument”, but at least we argue. We do not speak in platitudes, and words and phrases like “Yes, we can”, “Hope”, “Believe”, “Change you can believe in”. No we speak reality, and we have been speaking it for quite a long time.
You will be ending programs that are not working, but fail to mention or even outline what criteria will be used. Free trade, is that one that you will be looking at? Tax cuts for the rich, is that another one? For with both free trade, and tax cuts for the rich we should be drowning in wealth. It has not happened.
For our “common defense” we will not chose between our ideal and safety. Well what defense? We operate our defense department as a Department of Perpetual War. It is not defense. War is one of two things, it is either a failure or it is a hidden agenda. So what is your hidden agenda?
You spoke of earlier generations facing down fascism, and communism, but failed to mention that the Western World helped fund both. Lest you forget Mr. Bronstein, aka Leon Trotsky was a frequent visitor of Jacob Schiff’s Manhattan mansion. Schiff was the head of Kuhen Loeb. Have you also forgotten the Herbert Walker, Prescott Bush’s father in law funded the Nazi party in the Twenties? Prescott, while head of Union Bank during WWII, was fronting for 19 German companies and selling German war bonds while our soldiers died.
So show me the “justness of our cause”, and show me the “force of our example, and the tempering qualities of humility and restraint”. Or did you simply mean “In your face”?
You speak of “new threats”? Pray tell are they from without or within? Is it true patriotism that you fear? You speak of leaving Iraq, but you fail to say that 50,000 of our troops will stay. They will stay to protect the theft of the Iraqi peoples’ oil. You talk of a “hard-earned peace in Afghanistan” while there is still a war still going on, and NATO is only in control of less that 20% of the country.
You speak of a “warming planet”. Is this your opening for a UN carbon tax? Is this for total control of what people do, and how they live? The world is getting colder. You see this cynic as you would call me knows that so called global warming came out of The Club of Rome. It was a topic picked to unite the World into the New World Order. One of its members is none other than Al Gore. Surprise, surprise, and by the way, Mr. Gore is married to a Schiff.
You warned “those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you”. What words did you say to Israel? Let me remind you, for you said nothing. Your silence was like Cain’s answer to God, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” The blood of those innocents is on your hands. You were like Pilot. You washed your hands. Your Zionist handler Rham Emmanuel would not let you act. Luckily for you Zionist Israel pulled out of Gaza before your coronation, but has begun air strikes today.
Your pledge to the poor people of the World is but a reintroduction of a UN tax, and to put the US under their jurisdiction. This was put forward in 2007 by you in Senate Bill 2433. This bill was called as the “Global Poverty Act of 2007”. The second amendment would be gone under this.
You speak of taking people, in of kindness, of selflessness, but of these you are not. Again it is empty rhetoric from an empty suit. You go on to speak of “loyalty and patriotism”, when what you mean is accept everything that you decide. It is in my love for my country and my fellow man that I am taking this time to critique you and your empty rhetoric.
You speak of a “new era of responsibility – a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation, and the world…” Do not lecture me as you had a duty to represent the State of Illinois and you missed over 140 votes. The reason was twofold; first, you were running for the Presidency, and second you did not want people to know where you stood on many issues.
Let me lecture you. The government is the expedient of the people. The people are not the expedient of the government. No, what better than a black man to bring back slavery.
Let me remind you Barry that I, and many like me have paid and are still paying the price for citizenship. We do not have to pay at your parking meters, or tolls or your demand. We will work and are working for the betterment of our nation. This is a nation that many of us love, and if necessary die for. What I see in you is a continuation of the destruction or a nation that once was great.
It does not have to be that way. You could become a great president, but somehow I just do not think that you will. What did George W. Bush know when he said that 30 years from no he will be regarded as not such a bad president?
He speaks of our fathers and mothers, and grand fathers and grand mothers in coming here from across the sea to work in sweat shops. He says that time and again that they sacrificed so that we might live a better life. What he is saying here is so will you. You will have us sacrifice, and you do not even intimate that these sweat shops will never happen again.
It is a sad day for America when so many Americans have judged you on the color of your skin, and not on the content of your character.


Cathy said...

In the beginning (to quote an ill-used book) many including myself wanted to hear this man out if only because we erroneously thought he was being honest - truth is alien to him it would seem. And those who didn't care to look deep enough ended up performing the worst kind of bigotry - as you say, voting for the black man. His genes were his calling card. Those good folks who wanted so badly to believe, who thought they'd finally get their 40 acres and a mule, were shafted more than people who follow this arena more closely, like yourselves. It's obvious Mr. Faux-bama was well-schooled and duly crafted to be the first black Prez. The money and power-elite who put him in this spot knew exactly what their agenda needed, and got it. So he can't afford to be serious about issues, he has a legacy to protect and things are just too frazzled now. He has promises to keep. As predicted, his back-side is shaped like the middle of a fence.