Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Obama Cuts Social Security in Half

for Retarded and Autistic Adults

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 18:56
(Before It's News)
Obama Cuts Social Security To Autistic and Retarded Children And Adults

We are receiving reports that the Social Security Payments to Autistic Children (and those with retardation issues, living on their own)  have been cut in Arkansas as of 1 June 2016. Retarded is different than Autism so we are not trying to sound insensitive in this video.
No one in the entire media is covering this – not ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX or even the alternate media. No one.
We are following one girl, age around 30, who has been receiving $1,026 a month for about 10 years – no other state assistance was available and her mother handles her accounts and her mail.
On 1 June, without any prior notification, her Social Security was reduced to $513 a month.
When the Office of Social Security answered the phone they told the mother:
1) They were not required to provide prior notification of the action
2) There was no reason for the reduction
3) Sorry or the Inconvenience
4) May I help you in any other way?
5) Whites are no longer allowed to be given hearings after applying for Social Security and that since she is white her hearing to receive Disability Income after having 8 discs dissolve was cancelled. She is around 50 and has been working since age 14.
6) When Mom drove her Autistic (Retarded) daughter to the Welfare Office they told her she qualified for $28 a month in food stamps while the Black Gal in front of her signed up for $450/month in Food Stamps. We actually showed that this amount was true on a previous video
So – let us ask you?
7) When the Food Stamp program is eliminated – which is being negotiated now between the Chinese and US Corporation  in Singapore – who do you think will go nuts?
8) It will be race against race while the Bankstas steal everything you have and give it all to the New Muslim Refugees in Social Security  “Refugee Pay” at $4,500/Month.
As for other events:
9) The meeting between the leaders of South East Asia and the US went very badly over the last 3 days and NO ONE would support the US Demand for war with China.
10) The Singapore “Shangrila” Meeting that ended last night also went very badly for the US as China demanded Real Estate for their  $1 Trillion Dollars in Bankrupt US Treasury Notes.
11) Also – many US Eastern Ports are now closing (I mean having strikes, like Charleston) as the US Dollar is no longer being accepted for trade by many companies in Europe and goods have stopped flowing into the United States
12) On a good note, the Clinton Foundation has been frozen due to Fraud – all accounts in the foundation are inaccessible.
13) If you are a Democratic Delegate and vote for Hillary – you are going down as well. Treason is Treason – any questions?
14) On a final note – the White Dragon Attempt to meet with representatives of Nathan Rothchilds have failed. If they do not meet with them today then it is open season on the Rothchilds and Cohen Crime Family. China and Russia have 100 times more Intelligence Agents than the CIA  Rothchilds Stooges and Cohen Family have. We shall see what happens now
On a personal Note to the Chinese -expect an Earthquake in the next 3 days on the coast line similar to the 2 that just hit Little Rock today at about 4PM West Coast Time. You must contain evil or destroy it.
These earthquakes in Little Rock were not reported on any Earthquake Map, nor are the one in Yellow Stone
Red Dragon Elders – if you do not do as GOD has directed you – you will destroy the NAZI Empire but in the end YOU will also be destroyed, so HE has said it, so IT shall be.
The replacement with doubles has begun. Watch very closely as these Top Bankstas and Politicians are replaced. They failed to do as GOD directed. “Their blood is on your own heads”
Hope you had a happy 6/6/6 yesterday 6 June 2016
On another Personal Note: Of all the dirty, nasty things Obama has done cutting funds to Retarded and Autistic Children living on their own is the dirtiest and it tops everything.
Hitler had the Retarded Killed, Obama is putting them out on the streets
These who are Autistic or Retarded living on their own – the Most Vulnerable of everyone – get the axe, take the cuts.
This makes President Obama the Dirtiest, Slimiest, Filthiest, Stinkiest Fascist Pig President the world has ever seen – worse than Hitler – and GOD will now deal with the staff in the White house now. So HE has said it – so it shall be.
Pray (Visualize) that the Evil on Earth is completely and immediately immobilized for all eternity.
Pray (Visualize) that Social Security to retired folks is not cut and that given to Autistic Children (And those who are retarded) is restored in full
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Go ahead CIA Trolls – show how insensitive and stupid you are and criticize this story….
Obama Signs Bill To Replace Terminology For Mental Retardation To Intellectually Disabled
Intellectually Disabled People living on their own are now authorized ½ of what Mentally Retarded Adults were authorized – $500/Mo
He merely reclassified them and cut their pay.
While Muslim Refugees receive $4,500/month Social Security
Stand Up America And Be Heard