Saturday, October 10, 2020

Forcing Air Travelers to Submit to Vaccines

Heathrow Airport in London testing covid-19 “passport technology” that will force air travelers to submit to vaccines

Image: Heathrow Airport in London testing covid-19 “passport technology” that will force air travelers to submit to vaccines

(Natural News) Air travelers wanting to fly in and out of London – and eventually all other cities – will soon have to show their Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) digital passports, the initial trial runs of which are right now taking place at Heathrow Airport.

Passengers traveling via United Airlines and Cathay Pacific Airways are reportedly the first to test out the program using a smartphone app called CommonPass. This app is capable of storing a person’s certified Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) test results, as well as vaccination status once a vaccine becomes available.

Because governments of the world have different Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) rules and requirements, CommonPass can be modified as needed to facilitate different entry restrictions.

Launched by the Commons Project Foundation, a “non-profit trust” partnered with the World Economic Forum, CommonPass exists to eliminate the paper trail of Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) test results, which are often presented by international travelers in different languages.

Flights from London to New York, Hong Kong and Singapore are all utilizing CommonPass under government observation to determine its effectiveness and anything that may need to be tweaked to make it more foolproof.

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