Sunday, December 27, 2020

Wheels Come Off For Bus Companies

Wheels Come Off For Bus Companies, Closing Down Travel Options For Poor Americans

by Tyler Durden
Saturday, Dec 26, 2020 - 22:00

The wheels on the nation's buses aren't going round and round very much these days according to MPRnews, which notes that demand for bus travel has fallen by more than 80 percent during the pandemic, as public health authorities urge people to avoid travel where possible. That is raising concerns about the potential long-term damage to an essential transport method for millions of lower-income Americans even as air travel has shown signs of picking up since the Thanksgiving holiday period.

And those who have to take the bus, for whatever reason, are finding fewer options, and often higher prices as a result.

Feeling the pinch most are people like Andrew Sarkis. He paid $97 for a one-way bus ticket from Hampton, Va., to New York City, a 12-hour journey that required two transfers.

"It's expensive, man," said Sarkis, while stretching his legs after his bus took a brief stop at Union Station in Washington, D.C. "I used to go on another bus for $45 a trip, that goes straight to New York," he added.

A Greyhound bus driver wears a protective mask and gloves as he prepares to depart a station in San Antonio, Texas.

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